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Reiseliv Messen 2025, Oslo, Norway


10 - 12 January, 2025

TravelXpo – Norway's largest travel fair

TravelXpo is a major initiative, which brings together the travel industry in Norway and the rest of the world under one roof.

The event was first held at Telenor Arena outside Oslo in January 2020, and in the future the plan is to take the concept to several cities in Norway and Scandinavia.

TravelXpo is a travel and experience event where those who dream of travel and experiences in Norway and the world can get both inspiration and information. 

Over the course of three days, we fill Telenor Arena with thousands of determined visitors in buying mode. The event is Norway's largest travel fair, and an important meeting place for the travel industry. 

Here, exhibitors can expand their network and meet new and existing customers. Participation in the event is also a fantastic opportunity to promote and launch new destinations and experiences.

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